The Piece Of Benefits Of Pilates Advice That’s Seared Into My Memory

Surely you have already heard of Pilates. We discuss in our previous article on Pilates exercises for beginners and today we are going to discuss about health benefits of Pilates. It began to become fashionable a few years ago, among Hollywood stars and Brazilian actresses who did these exercises to sculpt their bodies. Joseph Pilates develop this method during the second half of the 20th century.

Pilates exercises for beginners
Pilates exercises for beginners

A German who spent his entire childhood with significant health problems, such as rickets, asthma, and rheumatic fever. He envisioned his full future anchored in a wheelchair and always depending on other people to do even the simplest tasks. Therefore he decided to create exercises that would help him develop his muscular strength and avoid contractures and atrophy. Joseph was self-taught and studied the anatomy and philosophy of the human body.

He also specialized in oriental medicine to discover the functioning of the body. He invented some apparatus with which he exercised, became a gymnast and a diver, and established the exercise method that gave him long life and good health.

That method that made him famous has endured to this day—becoming a great tool for everyone.

Objectives of the Exercises:

Pilates exercises focus on strengthening the whole body and using muscle strength as the basis for all activities. The muscles of the heart are those that provide us with more excellent balance and stability. The main muscle groups that are exercised are the abdominals (obliques, upper and lower), lumbar, and glutes. These muscles establish and support the pelvis and spine, especially the entire lumbar and lower thoracic region.

What is Pilates workout good for?

health benefits of pilates
Health benefits of Pilates
  1. Pilates is undoubtedly one of the most eclectic exercise modalities that can exist for people of any age, gender, and even those who suffer from joint, muscle, or bone pathologies.
  2. Pilates exercises are performed with reduced impact and few repetitions, thus avoiding wear and tear on the joints. Control of breathing during activities is essential, as it helps in their execution.
  3. It is important to note that there are no standardized group exercises. Each individual must be supervised by a professional so that their limitations and needs are addressed. The types of exercises, the amounts of repetitions, and the weight will be chosen by the professional, taking into account each person’s difficulties.

What are the benefits of Pilates?

pilates exercises
Pilates exercises
  1. The Pilates method became known due to the great benefits for the body, from physical to mental. The usual practice of these exercises can combat stress, anxiety and raise self-esteem.
  2. It is ideal for people who suffer from back pain. Pilates achieves a postural reduction and works the most affected areas, softening and eliminating the problems that cause spinal pain.
  3. It strengthens the muscles globally and consequently increases bones’ strength through the traction exerted by the tendons. Thus avoiding fractures caused by osteoporosis and falls.
  4. Pilates helps control breathing, strengthening the diaphragm, especially the respiratory muscle, avoiding internal pressures caused by evil inspiration and expiration during exercises.
  5. It is possible to feel better motor coordination, essential for older people who are more prone to falls.
  6. Increases mobility and flexibility of body movements, reducing muscle pain and preventing injuries.

It is important to note that anyone, or those who suffer from pathologies and therefore have reduced mobility, can experience Pilates. In the case of pregnant women or people who suffer from joint, bone, or muscle ailments. They should first visit their doctor to obtain acceptance of these exercises’ practice—very important monitoring by a professional to apply this method.

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