8 Facts You Didn’t Know About The Benefits Of Exercise

Exercising in addition to being a good method against excess weight. And an important tool to prevent cardiovascular diseases or diabetes, among many others, also have many of the psychological benefits of exercise that you may not have known about.
What does sport bring us?


the benefits of exercise
The benefits of exercise

Have you never just done sports that you do not know if you are alive or dead but happy to rage?

Well, that is because during training there is a release of endorphins, serotonin (related to mood), dopamine (related to the pleasure system) and epinephrine or adrenaline.
With this, you get your anxiety and stress levels to decrease and your sense of pleasure to increase.


physical benefits of exercise
Physical benefits of exercise
  • While you exercise, and even for a while afterwards. We release neurotransmitters that help reduce high levels of anxiety and therefore help us calm down.
  • That is why medium or high-intensity aerobic exercises are recommended such as walking, running, swimming, cycling, dancing, Zumba. With this, you will be able to significantly reduce the symptoms that anxiety produces.
  • So we can say that sport, in addition to burning fat and leaving us a toned muscle, serves as a regulator of our anxiety levels.


health benefits of exercise
Health benefits of exercise

How many of you, after a hard day at work, stressful as it can be, have gone to the gym or jog and then felt liberated and relaxed?
Surely many. Well, yes… it also reduces stress!
This is because exercise increases the production of norepinephrine (norepinephrine). Which is a neurotransmitter that greatly helps moderate the brain’s response to stress.
That is why, after a hard day’s work, we recommend it to go for a walk or run for half an hour or go to the gym to train a bit. Your brain and body will thank you!


Not only will looking better physically make you feel good but seeing that with perseverance we are capable of that and many more things that we never thought we could do, your self-esteem is improved !!
Why say that? Because each training day is a new challenge, with different times, with alternate weights, which makes you break out of your comfort zone, accepting and overcoming new challenges after each training.
And with this, what you get is to face your fears and overcome them.


Benefits of exercise on mental Health
Benefits of exercise on mental Health

How many of you, the day you started playing sports, believed that today you would do what you are being able to do? Few or none.
We tend to underestimate them, but for that very reason, when you see that you can handle that and much more. Your self-confidence improves and you feel better about yourself.
Also, many of you who have already taken up the sports routine… have you ever had a difficult week and not being able to go to play sports and feel bad about yourself? Well, there you have the answer!


Mental health benefits of exercise
Mental health benefits of exercise

Does it improve brain?! Yes. Helps to work and improve memory, thus delaying ageing or cognitive decline.
This is because it improves the stimulation of neurogenesis (the process by which new neurons are generated) in the hippocampus. Which is a structure of the brain that plays an important role in memory?
That is to say, in a matter of seconds you are doing a scan of your body analyzing from the feet to the head if you are in a good position and if you are not, you correct yourself. Does concentration fail you? Go ahead and play sports.


  • Well, believe it or not, during training, as mentioned in the previous section, you stimulate the brain. So it is more active, has more brain capacity and therefore your brain is in full swing.
  • And what does it mean? Well, it means that after that devastating workout and the slump of: “I’m dying”, the shower comes and starts to do things. Since your brain, although not your body, is in an optimal state of productivity and that wants to say that your performance is going to be much better.


  • Exercising regularly helps improve your memory and the ability to learn new things.
  • This is because there is an increase in the production of hippocampal cells that are responsible for memory and learning.


social benefits of exercise
social benefits of exercise
  • Your social relationships also improve as you start to interact with people with the same tastes, or at least, people with whom you share a sport.
  • As mentioned, there is an increase in self-esteem and self-confidence. And therefore, you are more receptive to interacting with the people around you, to take part more actively in directed classes or you start doing group sports.

Doing regular physical exercise not only benefits us on a physical level. Which is the most obvious and visual, but also on a psychological level it brings us many benefits and above all, it gives us a quality of life.
Also, it helps us in self-regulation by moderating the intensity of our emotions such as anger, aggressiveness, anxiety, stress and depression.

Also Read:- Fitness Nutrition: What to eat before and after workout?

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  1. Earn Online 13/10/2020

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