Ketogenic Diet Articles: What it is and how to apply it?

In recent times the popularity of different types of diets has grown. One of them is the ketogenic or keto diet, which is on the rise. You have probably heard or read about it since many influencers and celebrities follow it. In today’s article, I’m going present a Ketogenic diet articles for readers.

We will give you general guidelines to start a ketogenic diet. The benefits of carrying it out, general recommendations for macronutrients, and the indicated and contraindicated foods to create our introduction to ketogenic diet articles. However, our advice is to go to a nutrition professional to guide us in this type of diet or any other.


Ketogenic diet articles
Ketogenic diet articles

It is essential to define and make clear what is a keto diet. The ketogenic or keto diet is a type of diet characterize by consuming a low amount of carbohydrates and high in healthy fats. Usually, the body obtains the energy for its operation by breaking down carbohydrates into glucose. Through this glucose, we can perform our essential vital functions, in addition to our daily activities.

What happens when we reduce carbohydrate intake is that the body enters another metabolic state called ketosis. During ketosis, the energy that our body needs to function no longer comes from carbohydrates (when consuming few, the levels are low) but rather from ketones or ketones. Which are obtained from the fats that we have accumulated, so it is an exciting strategy for those whose goal is fat loss.


Ketogenic diet benefit
Ketogenic diet benefit

As we have already mentioned, fat loss with consequent weight loss is one of the keto or ketogenic diet benefit, but not the only one.

The decrease in blood glucose: By reducing the number of carbohydrates consumed, the amount of glucose we accumulate in the blood decreases. Our pancreas does not have to produce as much insulin to manage it. In this way, insulin resistance is improved, which can lead to diseases such as type II diabetes. Also, as we will see later, the carbohydrate contribution -if the ketogenic menu is followed correctly comes from vegetables and some fruits. Which make the glucose peaks not aggressive, unlike in diets with a high contribution of free sugars or refined flours from foods that are not nutritionally interesting.

Less emotional hunger, more satiety: The reduction of blood glucose peaks transforms into not having those energy dips that make us snack between meals in what we call personal desire or craving. This emotional hunger is not a real physiological need. Still, we feel it for a portion of a particular food (it is usually sweet). It appears suddenly and not progressively. By consuming foods that do not produce spikes in glucose, that feeling disappears. It is also a diet that increases satiety thanks to its high content of healthy fats and a considerable amount of protein, so we will not feel hungry for longer.

Protection against diseases: In addition to fighting obesity, several studies support the keto diet to treat modern diseases such as diabetes, neuronal disorders, and some types of cancer.


what is a keto diet
Keto diet plan

Approximately, the distribution of macronutrients to follow the ketogenic diet will be the following:

Carbohydrates: The number of carbohydrates in the keto diet will low. The contribution in the form of carbohydrates should range between 5-10% of the total energy (fiber included). This contribution should not exceed 50g of carbohydrates per day. Keep in mind that this variation is approximate since the diet has to be individualized based on the person’s characteristics and objective.

Protein: Protein values ​​will range from 1-1.5 g of protein per kg of weight. For example, a girl weighing 50kg should eat between 50 and 75g of protein a day. These values ​​represent approximately 20% of the total contribution of the diet.

Fats: The rest of the energy intake will come from healthy fats, approximately 70-80% of the total calories.


Ketogenic diet foods
Ketogenic diet foods articles

Once the macronutrients are distributed, we can delve a little deeper into the foods we recommend, including our ketogenic diet foods.

Vegetables: They are essential in any diet due to micronutrients’ contribution (minerals and vitamins). We will prioritize those with fewer carbohydrates such as spinach, cabbage, arugula, lamb’s lettuce, onion, kale, garlic, ginger, coriander, etc.

Fruits: They usually have significant amounts of carbohydrates, so we must monitor their contribution. We will opt for the forest’s fruits, such as blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, raspberries, etc. Avocado deserves a separate mention, a fruit that we must include due to its large amount of healthy fats.

Proteins: We will obtain them mainly from eggs, meat, fish, or gelatin. It is also interesting to assess the possibility of supplementing, if necessary, to cover our daily needs. We recommend this supplement included in the line of products especially indicated for ketogenic diets.

Dairy: If we tolerate them well, we can include them, although they are not essential. If we incorporate them, they are whole for their more excellent fat and natural version contribution.

Healthy fats: They come from foods like virgin olive oil, coconut oil, butter, cream, nuts, coconut, chocolate (minimum 75% cocoa), and the already mentioned avocado.

Sauces: They can be great allies, as long as they are made in a homemade way. We will include sauces such as pesto, mayonnaise, or guacamole to flavor our dishes and provide suitable fat levels.


We will avoid foods such as cereals (pasta, rice, wheat derivatives, etc.). Fruit in large quantities (prioritizing those mentioned above), legumes and tubers (chickpeas, beans, lentils, potatoes, sweet potatoes, parsnips, etc.). Alcohol, condiments, industrial sauces, and other ultra-processed products.

A fairly common mistake in any diet (including keto) is to base the diet on ultra-processed products. Although we see specific products for the supermarket’s ketogenic diet due to their low carbohydrate content, they will never exceed real food. Genetically we are not prepare for its consumption in large quantities. Given its high contribution to refined ingredients, they harm our health.

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  1. sharegiants 19/10/2020
  2. Sheedi Yaqoob 19/10/2020

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