Is Keto Diet Good For Sports?

A few weeks ago, we published a post about the ketogenic or keto diet, so fashionable in recent times. In it, we tell you some of its peculiarities and benefits and the foods that were allowed to be consumed and those that were not interesting for this type of diet. Keto diet and sports

To refresh the memory, we remember that this diet notably reduces carbohydrate intake and increases healthy fat intake. The body obtains energy from ketone bodies. Which are formed by fatty acids and do not do it by carbohydrates, as is usual in most diets.

Among other benefits, the ketogenic or keto diet avoids blood glucose peaks that can lead to more excellent insulin resistance and diseases such as type 2 diabetes. Also, it is a perfect strategy to lose weight and accumulated fat.


is keto diet good for sports
Is keto diet good for sports

It is true that for a diet to be more effective, it must be combined with a good training routine and sufficient hours of rest.

In today’s post, we will talk about the ketogenic diet. And physical exercise to clarify doubts and shed some light on those readers who want to start on the ketogenic diet and do not know how to combine the diet with a proper training routine and is keto diet good for sports?

Combining a ketogenic diet and regular physical activity can be an excellent strategy to reduce body weight without this leading to a loss of muscle mass, a problem that occurs in most low calorie diets – with reduced calories poorly established.

It is important to note that the goal of a diet and training routine should not be to lose weight at any cost. We are interested in losing weight from body fat, but keeping and even increasing muscle mass, which is related to a higher level of health.

Therefore, by benefiting the obtaining of energy from our fat stores, the keto diet compensates for this reduction in calories without damaging the muscle mass, as indicated by numerous studies. Thus, our goal of reducing fat, but not muscle, is easier to achieve.


keto diet benefits
Keto diet benefits

It should be borne in mind that thanks to the physical activity. We can reduce both our glycogen stores in the liver and the hormone insulin (responsible for managing blood glucose to take it to the cells). We increase the glucagon hormone (which is responsible for signaling the liver to produce glucose) and fatty acids from the bloodstream.

What do we get out of it? Simple. Increase the production of ketone bodies that will make us increase ketogenesis. Therefore, any physical exercise that is well programmed and appropriate to the person will be an excellent complement to a well-established ketogenic diet.

However, it is possible that the first days, even weeks, will be more difficult for you to exercise. Since at first, our muscles are not as effective at using fatty acids for energy since they are used to using glycogen. Nothing that is not solved with a good training routine and perseverance. In a few weeks, our body adapts and makes it perform better and gain muscle effectiveness.


how to start a keto diet
How to start a keto diet

The general recommendations for a training routine that combines with the ketogenic or keto diet are the following:

  • Carry out between 2 and 4 strength training sessions adapted to your physical level, consult a physical activity professional in case of doubts.
  • Strength exercises can be with the resistance of your weight (push-ups, squats, burpees, lunges, chin-ups, etc.) as with some external weight (bar, dumbbells, kettlebell, etc.). We recommend starting with self-weight exercises and gradually increasing the intensity before using external weight.
  • Do one or two HIIT sessions a week. HIIT is an interval training practice where high intensity is combined with rest. They are short sessions (about 30 minutes or even less), so it is ideal for those days that we do not have as much time to train.
  • At least one aerobic session a week, ideally the day after a HIIT or strength training session. You can run, ride a bike, walk in the mountains, dance whatever you like the most!
  • Combine scheduled physical activity with low-intensity physical activity in our daily routine, such as walking 10,000 steps a day, avoiding elevators, etc.


This could be an example of a routine for a week, valid to combine with the ketogenic diet.

  • Monday: Strength Training
  • Tuesday: Dance class
  • Wednesday: HIIT training
  • Thursday: Rest
  • Friday: Strength Training
  • Saturday: Walk in the mountains
  • Sunday: Rest

ALSO READ:- How to run in the cold? 8 tips to get it


Ketogenic diet plan

Here’s an example of a keto diet plan for one day.


  • Scrambled eggs with cheese and mushrooms.
  • Keto Instant Coffee.


  • Guacamole.
  • Chicken breast with spices to taste and assorted green sprout salad (arugula, lamb’s lettuce, and fresh spinach).


  • Cream of zucchini.
  • Hake with almonds and baked parmesan.
  • Snacks between meals (if you are hungry).
  • A handful of walnuts and almonds.

Snacks between meals (if you are hungry):

  • Handful of walnuts and almonds.
  • Two ounces of chocolate (minimum 85% cocoa).


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